Thursday 19 January 2017

Ours is an unwieldy country

Ours is an unwieldy country.
Huge is our land mass, disparate are our peoples.
We are a multitude of vociferous tongues,
That wail a cacophony of philosophies
From the false safety of our gaggle of alliances.
We defend our corners with jealous zest,
Even as we search in the dark
For the light at the end of a dark tunnel of our hewing.
We metamorphose as life insists we must, and yet
We fail to bow to the demand of evolution.
Evolution comes at a price we are reluctant to pay,
For inherent in it is a demand
 That our beliefs must distil into a conviction
That redeems our mistrust and frees us from paranoia.
Hear Hear brother! Conviction calls us from the depths
Of mother country of troubled birth.
Hear Hear sister! Conviction demands we sing
A mellifluous song of hope to our children,

A song that exhorts to service and cheers to unity.

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