Sunday, 3 July 2016

Nigeria: ruptured heart

Our Nigeria's is a heart ruptured, a dream that has become a mirage
For the many that dared to dream,and the many that were never convinced and so have been content to see not the big picture, but the journey which at its end, is their own meager lives, their own limited hopes; their own empty beliefs...

Why the short- term-ism? Why the lack of forward planning? Why the lack of realization of this so- vaunted potential which is a tonic that does little to significantly move us forward?

We experience a poverty of thought and spirit in the midst of plenty and of corruption. An empty intellectualism when the going becomes especially challenging...

We are a young country that is doing very little to learn from history and from the world around us that is essentially as globalized as it has ever been in its history...

We live for the moment, but not in the moment......

We were once deemed a happy people for reasons that alas were not rooted in significance, but in  circumstances we rarely nurtured, we rarely examined...

Ours is a cross-roads at the present time.

Now is a time to deeply reflect on what it means to be a human being, an African, a Nigerian...

Now is the time to look critically at our relatively young history, its birthing pains, its triumphs and its myriad grave injustices..

Now is the time to examine so as to understand...

Now is the time to find our large hearts and our better selves, for we do have these if we seek in honesty and in truth..

Now is the time to begin to seriously think about a Nigeria that is not just ours and our children's, but one deserving of its place in a world where it has the numbers, the brains and the spirit to contribute its quota...

Ours can be be a great country and us, a great people if we can but see beyond our individual immediacies... Our limited individual journeys....

Ours can be a great country where our collective will and spirit uplifts us and ennobles our environment..

Pray let this be so.

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